The Director-general of the Administrative Enforcement Agency, Lin, Ching-Tsung's visit to Taipei Branch
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- Last updated:2019-10-02
- View count:1116
The Director-general, Lin, Ching-Tsung, is encouraging the colleagues.
In order to understand the business implementation situation of the Taipei Branch and to encourage the hard work of the colleagues implementing the business, the Director-general of the Administrative Enforcement Agency of the Ministry of Justice, Lin, Ching-Tsung, paid a specific visit in the afternoon of February 19, 2019, which was jointly guided by the Director of the Taipei Branch, Hou, Chien-chi together with Chief Enforcement Officers, Yang, Mei-hua and Lin, Kang-chu, to the offices on each floor to shake hands with and cheer the colleagues, so that the entire staff would be full of energy and confidence in the future implementation of business.