Service Projects for the Public
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- Last updated:2019-07-18
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Promulgated May 29, 2002
I. Basis: "Project for Overall Enhancement of Service Quality of the Administrative Yuan" and "White Paper on Service to Public of Ministry of Justice".
II. Objective: Abide by the principles of honesty, efficiency and hospitality; uphold the notions of enterprise management; with the citizen as top priority, increase service quality efficiency and encourage customer satisfaction while enhancing government image.
III. Service Principles:
1. Equality & Diligence: All public service cases shall be dealt with in the same manner, regardless of severity. All cases shall be dealt with in an active and positive manner, bearing in mind the needs of the parties involved, ensuring a complete resolution.
2. Professionalism: Case handlers must be familiar with relevant systems, rules/regulations, ensuring smooth implementation and prompt answers.
3. Feedback: Service providers must be sincere and cordial, while complying with relevant laws. Prompt assistance is required for reasonable requests while providing tactful explanations when requests are unreasonable.
4. Empathy: Recognizing moods, explain with patience and listen to grievances. Tactful explanations are especially needed when there is a legal misunderstanding.
IV. Service Responsibilities:
1. Drawing up work procedures for public services.
2. Drawing up clear handling procedures for public complaints.
3. Drawing up expedient handling procedures for public petitions.
V. Service Content:
1. Expeditious handling of public petitions.
2. Service facilities for public convenience.
3. Volunteer workers assisting the public in various procedures.
4. Front-line service work to build good institutional image.
5. Management and service on the move. Initiating public assistance and providing guidance.
6. Legal awareness promotion, enhancing public compliance.
7. Public opinion mailboxes, opinion surveys and electronic public opinion mailboxes that gather a wider variety of public opinions.
VI. This project shall be enforced upon approval by the Agency Director. Same applies to any amendment hereof.