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Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-05-20
  • View count:5321

Legal Affairs and Administrative Remedies Division

1. Drafting and amending Administrative Execution Law
2. Counseling and negotiating disputes and doubts regarding cases under Administrative Execution Law.
3. Drafting and improving Administrative Execution Law; Enforcement Rules of the Administrative Execution Law; and Selection & Training Rules of Administrative Execution Officers; along with compulsory enforcement referral document formats and related documents on payment obligations under Public Law, according to the items of attention in inter-institution communications.
4. Researching Administrative Execution Law problems.
5. Legal help needed in the execution of external private contracts by the Department.

Case Review Division

1. Decisions over objections to compulsory procedures, execution approaches, and execution orders related to payment obligations under Public Law, by obligors or interested parties.
2. Reviewing and monitoring objections regarding obligatory payments under Public Law by each local administrative enforcement branch and officer's office.
3. Monitoring arrests and placements of custody, executed by each administrative enforcement branch and officer's office.
4. Directing and monitoring Public Law obligatory payment cases.
5. Researching compulsory enforcement system reformation for obligatory payment under Public Law.

Planning Division

1. Coordinating and communicating Public Law obligatory payment cases.
2. Inspecting, surveying and monitoring business matters at each administrative enforcement branch and officer's office.
3. Monitoring and reviewing cases undertaken by the police authorities, military police units, self-governing groups or other institutions, as per request by each administrative enforcement branch and officer's office.
4. Training administrative enforcement officers and related business staff.
5. Processing of petitions.
6. All legal matters not belonging to other groups or units

Secretariat Chief Secretary

1. Resolution of Administrative Execution Law related and judicial administrative affairs of this Agency and all subsidiaries.
2. Collecting, organizing, researching and editing Administrative Execution Law information.
3. Editing and drafting implementation reports and work reports.
4. Communicating items regarding public relations and news announcements.
5. Collection of research, rules and regulations, control of official documents, auditing and noticing, review and approval.
6. Custody of official seal
7. Managing, receiving and paying cash, bills and negotiable securities.
8. Managing janitors and technicians.
9. Maintaining property, articles and dormitories.
10. Maintaining and repairing offices and processing procurement cases.
11. Preparing, reporting and recording rules, procedures and other related materials for Agency meetings and expanded business reports.
12.  Receiving, distributing, reviewing and editing official documents; file managing and copying documents.
13. Planning the Agency information network; connecting/establishing the database.
14. Planning, managing and maintaining Agency information facilities and planning, coordinating and managing other business matters associated with the Agency and its subordinate institutions.
15. Other matters not belonging to other groups or units.

Personnel Office

1. Recruitment approval and staff transfer.
2. Review, notice & submission of instate cases.
3. Title and salary approval
4. Examining of attendance records
5. Award and penalty matters
6. Training, in-service studies and assessment.
7. Preparing and submitting performance evaluations.
8. Resolving and submitting retirement, layoff and pension cases.
9. Mutual aid and cooperation, benefits, and entertainment activities.
10. Registering and completing human resource information reports.
11. Providing employment proof.
12. Insurance matters of public servants.
13. Monitoring and examining human resource business matters of subsidiaries.
14. Human resource related management and associated HR matters.

Accounting Office

1. Budgeting revenue and expenses, reviewing final accounting and composing performance reports.
2. Reviewing (modifying) revenue and expense budget allocation.
3. Fund utilization, budget reservation and application/approval of reserve fund use.
4. Control and enforcement of revenue and expense budget, review and composition of revenue and expense certificates and recording various bookkeeping certificates, composition of accounting reports and custody & submission of various original certificates.
5. Reviewing and approving and other account handling of temporary acceptance, temporary payment, acceptance on another's behalf, and payment on another's behalf.
6. Monitoring and processing procurement cases according to Gov't Procurement Law and other related rules.
7. Review of handling procedure and custodial situations of cash, negotiable securities and public treasury deposits.
8. Handling human resource related matters.
9. Monitoring, reviewing and examining the accounting for subsidiary business operations and personnel.
10. Other accounting-related affairs

Statistics Office

1. Drawing up and enforcing statistical plans and programs.
2. Planning statistical surveys.
3. Unified drafting and management of statistical application forms.
4. Collection, organization, editing and analysis of statistical information.
5. Editing, reporting, management and provision of regular statistical reports.
6. Establishment and management of statistics database.
7. Unified announcement and management of statistical information.
8. Planning or reviewing statistical reports prepared by each institution as required for forming policies, drawing-up plans and executing public affair performance review.
9. Monitoring and reviewing statistical affairs and statistic human-resource affairs of subsidiaries.
10. Other statistics-related matters.

Civil Service Ethics Office

1. Enforcement and review of government ethics programs.
2. Drawing-up and promoting government ethics related rules.
3. Preventing, discovering and handling corrupt & illegal gov't employee conduct.
4. Reformation proposals for government ethics.
5. Recommendations for review, award and penalty of Agency ethics.
6. Protecting and maintaining official confidential information.
7. Prevention of events endangering or damaging institutions and assistance with the handling of petitions.
8. Monitoring and reviewing government ethics affairs and subsidiary staff-related matters.
9. Other matters associated with government ethics.

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