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The nationwide Level 3 epidemic alert was extended to June 14, therefor AEA adopted relevant measures in response to the said change

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2021-07-13
  • View count:272

In order to respond the announcement extending the nationwide Level 3 epidemic alert to June 14 issued by CEEC on May 25, AEA restates that the fines for the cases of violations of epidemic prevention regulations, such as not wearing masks and refusing to pay, will be enforced actively. AEA has also ordered the branches to take the following measures to safeguard the frontline of the epidemic prevention in the agencies and communities:

  1. The report date of all administrative execution cases shall be postponed until June 15, 2021. After receiving the payment notice, if the obligor has financial difficulties during epidemic period and cannot make a lump sum payment to the fine, the obligor may contact the officer in charge of the branch by telephone. Depend on the specific situation of the obligor, the branch may adopt lenient enforcement measures or provide care referral services to help the obligor get through the period.
  2. The enforcement cases of violating the epidemic prevention regulations will be giving priority, especially the cases of violating the regulations of wearing masks, home quarantine or home isolation, and the following measures will be taken:
    1. Contacting the health authority continually and actively, helping the authority to refer the overdue fine of the cases of violating the epidemic prevention regulations as soon as possible to implement the epidemic prevention policies jointly.
    2. In principle, the enforcement conducted at the place of obligor will be suspended, and the enforcement will be implemented with the method which does not have to contact the obligor in person, such as inspecting properties, seizing deposits, or informing the land office to seize the real properties etc.
  3. All branches shall cooperate with the instructions from CEEC to enhance the epidemic prevention control, and implement measures such as flexible working hours and working from home in accordance with the need of epidemic prevention and types of business. During the period of working from home, at least 1/2 of personnel of the branch shall work at the office to maintain the regular operation of the businesses. Those who work at the branch office shall take temperature measurement, wear masks, and implement access control to prevent epidemic.

AEA states that due to the severe epidemic nationwide, it and its branches will cooperate with the announcements and instructions issued by CEEC and actively enforce the cases violating the epidemic prevention regulations during the period of Level 3 alert to stop the epidemic and protect the health of the public jointly. AEA also urges the public to wear masks and follow the epidemic prevention regulations, such as home quarantine, and do not disseminate unproven information related to the epidemic to avoid getting fined.

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