New Way of Enforcement – Dusk Foreclosure Meetings
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- Last updated:2019-07-18
- View count:1861
Either the court's execution department or the government's administrative execution department or it branch offices used to operate foreclosure in office hours, making people more or less inconvenient to take part. This is mainly because of the legal ban to hold foreclosures in the night. This stipulation is aimed at protecting obligators' routine life. As foreclosure is a kind of auction, it is natural to see as many as possible people participate against racketeering and manipulation. so that all objects subjected to foreclosure can get a good price. This is the right way to protect the right of obligators and ensure the spirit of foreclosures.
Based on the core concept of innovation, service and efficiency, the Administrative Enforcement Agency began to revitalize the execution of movable assets by holding dusk foreclosure markets first in Chiayi in September 2014 and then in Tainan. This gives convenience to the people and also abides by the idea of making execution before the night as enshrined in the law. This has led to the adoption of dusk foreclosure market, which gather large numbers of people with all the hustle and bustle of a market place. Where, the people are excited to compete with one another to raise their offers and most articles are sold out at a price above the preset minimum. Some are sold at double and even triple their floor prices. For articles with fixed price employees of the district offices shout at the tops of their lungs to promote their sales. Sometimes they even win supporting voices from bystanders. To build up the atmosphere, there are volunteers to ask participants to have a taste of their grilled sausages, shrimps, chicken soups and beverages. Most articles are sold out in a short time with laughter rising here, there, and everywhere. The activity has received wide media reports and good reviews.
Holding a dusk foreclosure meeting is just a good example of transformation of the way of administrative enforcement, from the traditional authoritarian way to the people-friendly way. In addition to this transformation, we actively promote service by volunteers to make administrative enforcement into a way of service and cooperation. This is to say that the administrative enforcement agency or district office provides an effective platform for people to sell their products and services. Thanks to this soft way of approach, more and more diverse articles are on display for sale, making the foreclosures more popular and appealing. The two district offices even go further to organize various charity bazaars and literary and art exhibitions and performances, giving the foreclosure the characteristics of a multiple market comparable to a medium-sized or large carnival. To expand their influence and effectiveness, the two district offices have set up "Just. Go" and "Nice Buy" websites. As long a seller can go to the said offices to set a price for the foreclosed article, he or she is allowed to display and sell the article on the website, breaking the time and place limits. The two offices provide people with information so that they can sell and buy products at any time.
Since the dusk foreclosure marketing law was enforced, the achievement has far outstripped its set goal. In addition to innovating and revitalizing the way of administrative enforcement, a win-win situation has been created for government organization, service for the people and the general public – the right goal of administrative enforcement.