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Caring Stories - Hsinchu Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice Had an Annual Charitable Visit of Senior Citizens Who Live Alone

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-05-27
  • View count:1457

Visit of Senior Citizens Who Live Alone Visit of Senior Citizens Who Live Alone2

To assist National Conscription Agency, Ministry of the Interior to host the event of “Annual Visiting of Senior Citizens and Cleaning Their Houses 2017,” Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice cooperated with the volunteers’ team led by Commissioner Jiang Yan Wang from Huashan Social Welfare Foundation on January 24, 2017. There were 13 volunteers participating the event including Commissioner Wang, Security Guard Kui Yuan Peng, and 11 Substitute Service Personnel. They visited Grandma Shi on Liu-Pu North Road in Hsinchu City as well as Grandpa Zhong on Section 1, Baoxin Road, Baoshan Township, Hsinchu County and cleaned their houses. They wanted to turn their houses comfortable and warm in the harsh cold winter.

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