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No need to be afraid of gangsters or identity leaks (money loss) when participating in a real-estate property auction, AEA will back you up!

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2020-02-05
  • View count:525

No need to be afraid of gangsters or identity leaks (money loss) when participating in a real-estate property auction, AEA will back you up!

Purchasing happily

AEA proposes a convenient measure to remove the restriction that only certain cases in each court can be auctioned through communication. After the Chinese New Year of 2020, members of the public who want to bid on the real-estate properties auctioned by the AEA branches can use the "communication bidding" measure in all circumstances. Those who are interested can bid at home, they do not need to travel to any distant places. The public does not need to be afraid of Bid rigging by gangsters anymore, while those who have sensitive identities or who are not willing to be recognized do not have to worry about being targeted or identified. The public no longer has to worry about losing during an auction because of issues related to the on-site bidding form.

Making a communication bidding is easy. The AEA branches will make an announcement first and the members of the public who are interested in making a bid can download the documents related to the communication bidding with the templates from the website of the branch for free. After that, they can complete the tender by sending the documents to the designated post office box within the period provided by the branch.

The processes of retrieving the documents or dropping them into the tender box will be supervised by ethics officials. The bids will be read publicly and recorded. The procedures of communication bidding are totally open and transparent. Through these measures, the public can make bids without hesitating.

The 13 branches of AEA will hold the joint auction held on the “first” “Tuesday” of every month, starting at “3” p.m.. After incorporating communication bidding, an auction’s probability will improve and the highest-bidding amount made from an auction will rise. If members of the public want to make bids on several real-estate properties from different branches, they can submit their bidding forms to each respective branch, purchase the items they want and save on the agency fee, they do not need to worry about appointing others to make the bids for them. Whether the public wants to purchase the items for investment purposes or for personal use, they can generate more profit from the auctions while also lowering the risks.

For the country, obligors and the members of the public participating in the auctions, communication bidding will be helpful and also create multi-win situations for every party involved.


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